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What's the Latest With Amber Leigh?

March 31, 2021::

Warning, a little real talk time incoming. Nothing deep but still, more personal info then I usually invest into these update.

SO! Well, the last year has been pretty wild, am I right or am I right? One would think "Oh. Lockdown. Must be LOTS of time for recording." Well one might think that. However, I have a 9 to 5 job at a grocery store. So I will be having PTSD flashbacks about toilet paper and disinfecting wipes for YEARS to come. 

Tomorrow marks a milestone though and a light at the end of the tunnel. I get my first dose shot tomorrow! Hooray! Things are starting on that long path back to normality and that includes with my recording as well. 

Did you know... I moved a little over a year ago and had yet to setup my recording space in my new house? Well, now you know! Covid hit right about the time I was starting to convert my space from 'moving box fort' into 'recording and crafting den.' Then things got so crazy and my motivation took a hit and all I wished to do after coming home being verbally and emotionally beaten down by my job was relax with a game or a book or with a nap. Animal Crossing has been a blessing this year, am I right?

But now things are looking like we may be getting over that hill. Yet that still does not mean it's over. Even though I get my first round of 'Fauci Ouchie' tomorrow, I will still wear my mask, wash my hands, and social distance. I honestly don't know if I will ever STOP with the mask wearing. I like that people can't see my 'judging you' face when they ask stupid questions. I mean.... the customer is always right. That's what I meant!

So now as we are looking towards the future, we must take a moment and look a little at the past. As in the few things that have released in the last years time. Including... the BIG one.










Crimson Spires came out back in October of 2020. The game is the latest from Woodsy Studios, one of my favorite game devs to work with. This time around, I play the devious Charlotte Bataille. Out now on Steam.

This next update is a BIT of a roller coaster so go for the ride with me, shall you? 

Knell of St. Godhrkar is now available on Steam Early Access... but not in English. The game is currently only available in simplified Chinese. English release is still TBA. As a reminder, the game (which I have mentioned before and will now again is STUNNING) is the work of Chinese based game devs. The voiced dialogue is done in a language unique to the in game universe with text on the screen translating what is being said. So should you happen to be able to read Chinese text, THIS link will take you to the Steam page. If you can't however, you can still play the English Demo of the game while we wait for the full translation HERE and enjoy how just BEAUTIFUL this game is.














As a remind, I play the singer Shervlett and yes I DO sing in an entirely original language. It's was so much fun!


And then... the BIG one. Yes, it lives in infamy. The reason that my Facebook and twitter pages as a sudden SURGE of follows in that last 2 months.

Huniepop 2: Double Date is out now on Steam.










This is, without a doubt, the "biggest" title I have gotten the honor to voice in. I mean Markiplier is playing a series on this game. THE Markiplier. That's a bucket list item for a small time voice actress like me. In fact, storytime! The day he started his series on the game, I few IRL friends that don't know much about my voice acting other than it's a thing I do were messaging my about this game. And if you know the game... you know how awkward that was in the end after they watched a few parts of him play.

I voice your either favorite OR most hated goth girl, Lillian! Response to her character has been.... interesting to watch and about as polarizing as I anticipated while recording for her. At the end of the day... love her or hate her, you have no choice but to double date her. Hehe.

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